Huwebes, Mayo 28, 2015

Tips for Traveling With Your Sister

Tips for Traveling With Your Sister

It is common for siblings to experience conflicts. Traveling with your sister does not have to be a nightmare for both of you.  Meeting  halfway and  compromising can be the key.  Below are some tips to have a successful travel with your sister.

Go away from the bad feelings.  You have been together since birth and you know each other all your life.  There may be many things in the past that you argued and quarreled about.  You may also be going through some conflicts and issues at present.  You should not carry those hard feelings when you travel.  If not permanently, leave them at home even temporarily. This is an opportunity to appreciate and enjoy each other's company.

Have privacy.  Even if you carry the same family name and blood, that does not mean that you have the same preferences and interests. Plan activities that you will do together and have separate activities so that each of you can still enjoy your individuality. Both of you should give your sister  an opportunity to be by herself.  Being away from each other can strengthen and enrich your travel experience.

Remember the good rules and habits.  Do not forget what you learned when you were in the kindergarten.  It would not be too much to say thank you and to say sorry.  Respect each other's privacy and avoid starting something that can lead to an argument. A simple joke or gesture can ruin the whole trip.  Know how to best play your part.

Communicate and understand.  The details of your trip should be discussed in advance. Be open with the factors that may affect your trip like the budget.  Money does matter when you are in a travel.  You should let the other person know about your limitations, so that your sister will also know how to get along with you.

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